ICAD REGISTRATION FORM (Output to printer, fold, tape sides and mail) With registration you will receive the latest version of ICAD, sample PASCAL and C routines for loading icons from an ICAD file, sample icon and palette files made by users (if recieved), and notices of other product releases. Enclosed please find $____ for the following: [ ] $15 to register ICAD (mouse required; EGA & VGA modes). [ ] $10 to register Trig Tutor (Mouse optional; EGA). [X] $2 for shipping/handling Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City: _____________________________State:____Zip:____________ Phone (optional): ____________________________________________ What type of hardware do you have? 8088 286 386 486 CGA EGA VGA SuperVGA ICAD was acquired from: [ ] BBS (name and phone #) ________________________________ [ ] disk vendor, name _____________________________________ [ ] user group [ ] other _________________________________________________ Comments, suggestions: NOTE: Any ICAD file format suggestions must include DETAILED descriptions of the format desired. Registered users will have priority responses. ICAD v1.1 +-----+ |Place| |Stamp| |Here!| +-----+ John R. Klinger 4507 Coronado Apt 3A Wichita Falls, TX 76310